Turismo sostenibile in Sardegna: il primato delle Cinque Vele
Sustainable Tourism in Sardinia: The 6 Greenest and Environmentally Conscious Beaches
According to Legambiente, the greenest beaches in Italy are in Sardinia, where a new beach entrepreneurship has been experimenting for some time, focusing on the well-being of both bathers and coasts. Thus, in 2022, the region of Sardinia achieves the record for the highest number of five-sail seaside locations: Baronia di Posada, Santa Teresa Gallura, Baunei, Chia, Oristano, and Planargia confirm their excellence on the national scene and lead towards a new way of doing tourism—not mass tourism, but conscious and appreciative of the riches offered by the territory.
Five Sails Legambiente: The Guide to the Most Beautiful and Clean Sea
Il primato del turismo sostenibile in Sardegna per il maggior numero di spiagge green è riconosciuto da Legambiente e Touring Club Italiano nella loro guida ai compensori balneari più sostenibili: ben 6 località sarde ricevono cinque vele, il massimo del punteggio. I criteri per l’assegnazione dei voti, che vanno da una vela (sufficienza) a cinque vele (eccellenza), sono due:
- Environmental characteristics of the seaside locations are analyzed, focusing on the state of the waters, seabeds, and beaches, which must be as pristine and far from degradation as possible.
- The quality of hospitality and accommodation services is also considered. Examples include efficient waste management, accessibility to historical and natural sites, care for artistic assets, and the promotion of gastronomic and artisanal specialties.
Five Sails not only indicate respect for the environment but symbolize a healthy entrepreneurship in the beach world overall: it promotes a renewed awareness of the natural environments offered and values a way of tourism based on authenticity and inclusion. Sardinia's leadership, therefore, concerns not only a "beautiful and clean" sea but also innovation and conscious entrepreneurship.
The Eco-Sustainable Beaches of Sardinia
There are six seaside resorts that allow Sardinia to achieve the record for the highest number of green beaches. The awarded beach locations are environmentally conscious and committed to the protection of artistic and cultural heritage, inclusive, and respectful of diversities. Thanks to them, we learn the secrets of a new conscious beach entrepreneurship.
Numerous eco-friendly initiatives are active in this region of Sardinia. Along the Baronia di Posada coast, there is a sustainable mobility service with efficient public transport that replaces the usual use of private cars, a significant reforestation project in the area, and the restoration of the ancient palace in the historic center.
Santa Teresa Gallura
It is no coincidence that there is no trace of intensive agriculture or industry near the Santa Teresa Gallura coast. Landscape protection is paramount: water and uncontaminated coastline are assets that are committed to preserving, minimizing human presence.
Baunei Coast
In the shadow of the Supramonte of Baunei, there are no houses, roads, or concrete that pollute or alter the natural coastal landscape. However, the area offers a large number of attractions and activities for those seeking a place to relax or an adventure in nature: in addition to the beautiful waters, the protecting Supramonte appeals to all hiking and trekking enthusiasts.
Chia Coast
Anche Chia è meta per gli appassionati di immersioni, trekking e mountain bike, ma non solo: il suo litorale è particolarmente attento alle diversità e alla tutela ambientale, testimonial del turismo sostenibile in Sardegna. Grandi parcheggi accessibili facilitano il raggiungimento della costa anche ai bagnanti con disabilità, mentre chi ama dedicarsi al birdwatching troverà pane per i suoi denti presso lo lo stagno di Spartivento, una preziosa oasi naturalistica al cui interno prosperano diverse specie animali, fra cui i fenicotteri rosa.
Oristano, Sinis peninsola and Maldiventre island
The Gulf of Oristano offers not only breathtaking landscapes and a "beautiful and clean" sea but also the Sinis Peninsula and the Maldiventre Island allow channeling love for nature into unique and engaging activities.
Planargia Coast
Il paesaggio selvatico e le acque cristalline del litorale della Planargia non sono gli unici elementi ad aver determinato le cinque vele di questa località balneare, testimonial del turismo sostenibile in Sardegna. Degne di nota sono la tutela dei luoghi storici e naturali e la promozione di tipicità gastronomiche: una zona di protezione speciale consente ai grifoni di prosperare nel proprio habitat naturale, mentre Bosa propone un gustoso itinerario enogastronomico dal sapore di mare, a base di copazza di pesce o zuppa di mare all’algherese. Spiccano, poi, quattro grotte all’interno delle quali praticare immersione: la grotta di Nereo, la grotta dei Cervi, la grotta di Nettuno e la grotta di Corona Niedda.